JAMSS Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation

SERVICE|Safety product assurance

Protect important system assets from threats

We ensure the safety of the systems that demand a high safety standard such as the International Space Station, artificial satellites, aircrafts, automobiles, and railways.

In the special closed environment of the International Space Station, even a minor incident that would not cause much damage on Earth could lead to a major accident. With our safety product assurance, we check every product brought into the ISS and strictly enforce detailed safety requirements, in addition to the measures against fire, decompression, and air contamination that are known as “the three greatest hazards,” in order to protect human safety.

We evaluate the safety and reliability of devices brought into outer space, starting from their materials and components, and demand improvement from the manufacturers. We evaluate if their qualities meet the strict standards demanded by NASA and JAXA from the perspective of a third party.

These knowledge and know-how are also applied to the fields that require strict safety standards such as aircrafts and railways. The technologies for safety and secure that originated in space development are utilized in the systems more familiar to our everyday life.

We solve the following issues.

  • Analyze and evaluate the safety of devices intended for space development.

    Analyze and evaluate the safety of devices intended for space development.

    Manned Space Exploration


  • Obtain certifications, such as the certification from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

    Obtain certifications, such as the certification from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

    Aviation business

    Railway business

  • Train personnel related to safety product assurance

    Train personnel related to safety product assurance

    Precision instrument manufacturer

We solve the following issues. We solve the following issues.

Safety and product assurance of manned space Safety development assurance
of manned space exploration

Design and development that protect the lives of the crew.

We prepare safety analysis and evaluation plans that take various abnormal situations and threats in outer space into account, and perform analysis and evaluation following these plans.

In outer space, life support of astronauts is the most important task. Long-term life support and securing safety are required in “Kibo”. Therefore, high level of safety and reliability are required of the devices installed in the ISS. We perform analyses for evaluating whether they meet the required safety and reliability standards.

In addition to preventive measures against the most dangerous situations in outer space known as the three greatest hazards, namely “fire,” “decompression,” and “contamination,” we examine other possibilities in order to support safe development.

Design and development that protect the lives of the crew.

Tasks during the operation stage

We conduct analysis and evaluation on the maintainability that takes operation into account from the design stage.
At the ISS, there is a limit to the daily activity schedule of its crew. For instance, we plan a mechanism that only requires quick repair or simple replacement from the design stage based on the probability of defect occurrence.

  • Safety


    We strictly check the safety of devices used in space, software, and works carried out by astronauts and on-ground operators according to the space standards of NASA and JAXA. Moreover, we evaluate the results of safety analysis to check if there are any overlooked dangers by using a comprehensive analysis method.

  • Reliability and Maintainability

    Reliability and Maintainability

    We perform evaluation of durability of devices, materials, and electronic components used in the harsh space environment as well as the evaluation of the impact of their malfunctioning (reliability). Moreover, we evaluate their maintainability so as to minimize the work duration of astronauts.

  • Quality assurance

    Quality assurance

    We evaluate whether devices and software have the quality that enables them to perform their functions and capabilities, including their manufacturing and testing processes. Moreover, we take measures to prevent reoccurrence of defects.

Safety and product assurance of satellite Safety product assurance of artificial satellites

Examine both the hardware and software of computers

We evaluate the hardware and software installed in the computer of artificial satellite from its development stage while taking its actual operation into account.

There are many artificial satellite development specialists working at JAMSS, who conduct analysis and evaluation of satellites, with an emphasis on analysis of their software.

We especially evaluate the requirements and specifications of software, and we examine their coding (program sources) based on these. This includes active evaluation where execution files are actually operated.

Examine both the hardware and software of computers

Aircraft certification /
safety and development assurance
Certification and safety
product assurance of aircrafts

Obtaining certification for transportation system of the sky

Safety analysis and development activities based on system engineering are required for the development of transportation infrastructure systems in the sky, such as aircrafts. We utilize the knowledge and experience in system engineering we obtained through space development in order to contribute to obtaining certifications for your aircrafts and their equipements.

Aircraft/equipement certification service

We provide following services related to obtaining certifications such as certifications for manned aircrafts, unmanned aircrafts, and aircraft equipements for companies that aim to obtain certification for future aviation transportation infrastructure.

  • Examination of standards applied to aircrafts and equipements.
  • Examination of methods to prove that relevant standards are met.
  • Preparation of documents proving compatibility with the relevant standards (Mainly proof related to the development assurance discussed below).
  • Coordination with certifying authorities such as the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
Aircraft/equipement certification service

Development assurance business

As one of the methods to prove that the standards applied to aircrafts are met, using development assurance work coordinated with international and national certifying authorities is recommended.
Based on our knowledge and experiences in safety and development assurance obtained through space development activities, JAMSS conducts development assurance works together with development companies.

ARP4754A, Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems
ARP4761, Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems

DO-297, Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
DO-178C, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification
DO-254, Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware
DO-326A, Airworthiness Security Process Specification

Contribution to the national aircraft industry

JAMSS participates in several standardization organizations related to aviation in order to understand the latest developments inside and outside Japan. Moreover, we participate in the following consortiums as the principle company based on our previous experience, and we contribute to the progress of Japanese aircraft industry through lectures at various seminars, organization of workshops and lectures at various educational institutions.

Certification Technology Consortium for Aircraft System (CerTCAS)

Training Training of personals
related to safety product assurance

Providing training programs for corporations

At JAMSS, we have been accumulating knowledge and the know-how obtained through safety and development assurance activities at “Kibo,” and we have been conducting quality improvement in coordination with NASA and JAXA. Utilizing these experiences, we provide personnel training for safety product assurance for the technicians of JAXA and spacecraft manufacturers, which will contribute to acquiring of safer and more reliable development know-how.

At JAMSS, we have been accumulating knowledge and the know-how obtained through safety and development assurance activities at “Kibo,” and we have been conducting quality improvement in coordination with NASA and JAXA. Utilizing these experiences, we provide personnel training for safety product assurance for the technicians of JAXA and spacecraft manufacturers, which will contribute to acquiring of safer and more reliable development know-how.
The knowledge and know-how in safety technology obtained in space can also be applied to businesses that demand strict safety standards, such as aircraft and railway businesses. Thus, in recent years, the technologies that originated in space are spreading to private companies on Earth.

We can also organize workshops for companies that require high-level safety training. The workshops are run by our lecturers with rich experience in safety analysis and reliability analysis. Based on our spacecraft safety product assurance record, we offer safety product assurance training suitable for each evaluator and development maker.

Providing training programs for corporations

Introduction to system safety video

  • First part

    It explains how "system safety" is perceived by using the example of the accident of Space Shuttle Columbia.

  • Second part

    It explains the flow of actions using "system safety" to be taken in order to ensure safe and thorough mission completion.

  • Third part

    It explains the overview of "system safety" through the importance of activities that combine management and engineering.

  • Fourth part

    It explains the engineering part of the concept of "system safety".

  • Fifth part

    It explains the management part of the concept of "system safety".

  • Sixth part

    It explains the paradigm shift in safety analysis methods.



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Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation Marketing and Contract Department
Tel: +81-3-3211-2060
(Between 10AM and 5PM on weekdays)