JAMSS Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation

SERVICE|Utilization of the Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo” at the International Space Station (ISS)

Make the potentials of space closer to you

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  • Utilization of the Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo” at the International Space Station (ISS)

No longer it being a dream, utilization of space is entering the era of reality.
Space can be used by diverse fields, and with novel ideas, possiblilties in space are limitless.
Your exploring spirit and curiosity are the driving forces of space development.
As the first step toward realization of your “Hope”, please feel free to make an inquiry to us.

Turn your "Hope" into reality
at the Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo”.

“Kibo” is the first Japanese experiment module in the International Space Station (ISS). This facility is the largest experiment module in the ISS, equipped with an onboard laboratory where one can work in normal clothes as though one is on the ground and an external experiment platform for conducting experiments in outer space.It is possible to utilize space in many ways using this facility. With “Make space closer to you” as our guiding principle, we offer full support in all the steps involved, from planning, development & testing of necessary equipment, design & safety review, transportation and real operation. As JAMSS has the intimate knowledge of “Kibo”, we are capable of offering detailed service. Space experiments, product development and technological demonstration, and film shoot; let’s turn your “Hope” into reality at “Kibo”.

We support you in realizing these projects.

  • Conduct experiments using the microgravity environment.

    Conduct experiments using the microgravity environment.

  • Conduct promotion using space. You want to conduct educational activities using space.

    Conduct promotion using space.
    You want to conduct educational activities using space.

  • Develop product or service using space.

    Develop product or service using space.

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case ISS utilization support achievements in recent years.

Tohoku Reconstruction Mission 2021

  • Astronaut Noguchi in the Experiment Module “Kibo”. © General incorporated foundation
    One Earth

    Astronaut Noguchi in the Experiment Module “Kibo”.

  • Return commemoration with a banner (Otsuchi, Iwate) © General incorporated foundation One Earth

    The Banner return ceremony (Otsuchi, Iwate)

KIBO Studio (2020-)

  • Astronaut Noguchi in the Experiment Module “Kibo” holds face-to-face conversation with the cast on the ground (Los Angeles). ©bascule Inc.

    Astronaut Noguchi in the Experiment Module “Kibo” holds face-to-face conversation with the cast on the ground (Los Angeles).

  • The rise of the sun on the New Year's day on Earth was filmed using NASA's ISS camera on external facility and was broadcasted live to the world from KIBO Studio. ©bascule Inc.

    The rise of the sun on the New Year's day on Earth was filmed using NASA's ISS camera on external facility and was broadcasted live to the world from KIBO Studio.

Please see "International Space Station service guide" for other support achievements.

Manned Space JAMSS is the number one in manned space area

We have been linking humanity with space through the ultimate operation engineering and safety engineering required in an extreme environment.
We have been involved in the operation of the experiment module “Kibo” and transfer vehicle “Kounotori” in the International Space Station project, training of flight crew and flight controller, and operation of space experiments.
In near future, space will be closer and closer to our lives. JAMSS will link the ground with space through technologies and will contribute to the society of future. Supporting human space activities at the experiment module “Kibo” was the original purpose of establishing JAMSS, and we have many staff working toward this purpose. Please see the following page for a more detailed explanation of our activities.

next Beyond "Kibo"

JAMSS supports utilization of the ISS experiment facilities other than the experiment module “Kibo”.

High-quality protein crystal production service

We offer our unique facility and service to be utilized. In this service, we produce and provide high-quality protein crystals at the European (ESA) experiment module Columbus at the ISS. Our facility, Kirara has also been used other than protein crystals.

High-quality protein crystal production service Kirara High-quality protein crystal production service Kirara

In addition to the ISS, if you have any request to use other experiment modules, please make an inquiry. JAMSS is a Japanese space company with various networks and know-how, and we can offer unique support services.
In addition, we are engaging with projects related to private Low Earth Orbit (LEO) space stations and space travel after ISS retirement.

Download International Space Station service guide

International Space Station service guide