JAMSS Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation


Engagements toward realization of SDGs

Initiatives for SDGs Engagement with SDGs

To fulfill our social responsibility in contributing to the sustainable economic growth of the world and solutions of social problems, JAMSS actively engages with various projects, such as SDGs, through cooperation with our partners.

  • 01 Planning of environmental policy

    We hereby declare that as the system integrator that connects humanity with space, we will contribute to the protection of environment on Earth through our corporate activities. Moreover, we will fulfill our corporate social responsibility in pollution prevention and nature protection by observing legal and client requirements, building nature-friendly in-house corporate processes, and continuously improving them.

  • 02 Measures against marine waste using satellite image analysis technology

    We are participating as a SDGs innovator in “2020 Japan SDGs Innovation Challenge for UNDP Accelerator Labs” conducted by the United Nations Development Programme in cooperation with the Cabinet Office. Plastic waste in the ocean is a challenge facing the whole world. It is predicted that by 2050, there will be more wastes in the ocean than fishes, and the United Nation has designated to “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development” as the SDGs Goal 14. The proposal by JAMSS suggests visualization of marine wastes through satellite images and its political usage. It has been adapted by UNDP Vietnam and UNDP Philippines. We are actively engaging with solving the social problems these two countries are facing.

    衛星画像分析技術を活用した問題への取り組み 衛星画像分析技術を活用した問題への取り組み

    The result of this project, in combination with those of the approaches other than satellite image, is expected to ultimately benefit the people who are affected by marine waste. JAMSS is examining expansion into the local cities around the relevant areas, and ultimately it aims to expand the method into the rest of the world, considering these two countries as the bases.

  • 03 Engagement with climate change and river pollution

    In rapidly developing Vietnam, water pollution is a problem its public health is facing. Moreover, due to its geographical characteristics, Vietnam is in the route of typhoons and other weather events. Therefore, it frequently experiences flooding; it requires utilization of satellite images also for disaster prevention purpose, considering the factor of climate change. These problems are identified respectively as the SDGs Goal 6 “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all” and the SDGs Goal 13 “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”.

    JAMSS is engaging with satellite remote sensing of the river pollution situation and visualization of flood in Da Nang, together with UNDP Vietnam. JAMSS will continue to use its satellite technology as a contribution to realize the circular economy society Da Nang is striving toward.

  • 04 High-quality protein crystal production service "Kirara"

    Kirara Space-made Protein Crystal

    It is possible in the microgravity environment of space to create protein crystals with quality higher than those made on the ground because there is no effect of convection or sedimentation. “Kirara” is a drug development support service that produces and provides high-quality protein crystals using the International Space Station. Obtaining of high-quality crystals is expected to lead to more detailed analysis of the protein structure, which will contribute to the development of new drugs in the future.

    Real experience of getting in touch with space!
    Space education service using "Kirara"

    • Space experiment for junior high school and high school students.
      "Kirara Science Program"

      We provide a protein crystallization experiment utilizing space environment for junior high school and high school students. Children prepare experiment samples to be sent to space by themselves, and by observing the crystals returned from space, they will be able to experience space experiment as a part of their reality. Feeling closer to space will lead to have more interest in the Earth we live in. In 2021, we helped children in Tokyo, Ibaraki, and Fukuoka to gain greater interest in science through this program.

      中高生向け宇宙実験「Kiraraサイエンスプログラム」 The retrieved crystals were returned to them together with their flight certificate.
    • Deliver the works made during children's SDGs education to space!
      "Kirara Share Service"

      Using “Kirara Share Service” that brings SD cards given to us by our customers, many types of objects have been taken to space and returned until now. At Tsukuba City Midori no Gakuen Compulsory Education School, each pupil seriously engages with SDGs and has been deepening their understanding in order to realize sustainable society. The result of their study was stored in a SD card and was sent to the International Space Station in January 2021. Moreover, the mosaic art of “Midorin”, the school’s official character, made from the learning data and photographs of 4th grade students became the label for the “Kirara” device. “Midorin”, filled with the wishes of the children, cheered up all the international staff involved in this rocket launch.

      中高生向け宇宙実験「Kiraraサイエンスプログラム」 Retrieved label with signatures by astronauts
  • 05 Satellite system service that supports agriculture from space.

    JAMSS has been using satellite data and meteorological data to analyze crops grown outdoor, especially rice. Based on this accumulated experience, we started to provide a new application “Remo Farm” in 2022, which is capable of automatically collecting satellite data and meteorological data, allowing you to comprehensively check the growth situation at your rice paddy remotely from your home.

    Please see here for more details on Remote Farm
  • 06 Safety Development/Mission Assurance
    (S&MA activities)

    Safety analysis of automatic driving/automatic operation, safety examination of AI-equipped system and human resource training through the safety development and mission assurance (S&MA) activities.

    Ensuring safety and comfort is the major premise of achieving SDGs. For this purpose, we contribute to the social expansion of a sustainable, safe, and comforting system that is kind to people. With providing “Totally Safety Solution Service” as our objective, we contribute to SDGs by creating “safety”, “comfort”, and “happiness” of all the people, artifacts, and properties involved through safe and thorough completion of missions in the space system and all other types of systems.

  • 07 Operation of "Kibo" at the International Space Station

    JAXA contributes to SDGs through projects such as space medicine, drug development research, launch of small satellites by developing and emerging nations in the field of space exploration, and KiboCUBE, using the Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo” at the International Space Station. JAMSS is designated by JAXA to perform roles such as operation of this “Kibo” at the ISS.

  • 08 Devised by an astronaut trainer
    Rehabilitation equipment "Pullsora"

    Pullsora is a product that combines a rehabilitation equipment and exercise programs devised by a trainer of astronauts. It aims to improve and heal the bodily functions of people who require rehabilitation. There have been constructive feedback from those who started to use it.




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Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation Marketing and Contract Department
Tel: +81-3-3211-2060
(Between 10AM and 5PM on weekdays)