JAMSS Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation


Privacy Protection Policy

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  • Privacy Protection Policy

The following basic policy has been defined by our company in order to ensure appropriate handling of personal information as an organization based on the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (hereafter referred as the "Personal Information Protection Act").

  1. 1. Company Name, Address, Representative

    Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation
    Otemachi Bldg., 1-6-1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
    President Teru Aruga

  2. 2. Observance of relevant law, guidelines, etc.

    Our company handles personal information appropriately following the "Personal Information Protection Act", other laws, and the "Guideline on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information".

  3. 3. Usage Purpose

    Our company analyzes the browsing history at our website and inquiry contents of our customers and use them for the following purposes.

    Target information Usage purpose
    Personal information of customers Appropriate management of contracts with our customers.
    Communication about our service and other correspondence through E-mail or telephone.
    Questionnaire and analysis for the purpose of maintenance and improvement of service.
    Personal information of our business partners Appropriate management of contracts with our business partners.
    Various correspondences and negotiations necessary for business with our partners.
    Personal information of those who want to join our company. Providing various information related to hiring, and communication.
    Recruitment procedure.
    Human resource management after unofficial offer of employment is made.
    Personal information of those who have made an inquiry to our company. Correct understanding of and response to the inquiry content.
    Personal information related to work commissioned by our business partners. Appropriate execution of tasks following the contract related to the commissioned work.
  4. 4. Limitation on providing information to a third party

    Our company does not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without that person’s consent except in the following cases:

    1. When personal data are provided to a third party following a law other than those related to personal information.

    2. When it is necessary for protection of life, health, or property of a person, but it is difficult to obtain his/her consent.

    3. When it is particularly necessary for improvement of public health or healthy development of children, but it is difficult to obtain the person’s consent.

    4. When it is necessary for cooperating with a governmental organization, local municipality or those who were commissioned by them are executing works outlined by the law, and obtaining the person’s consent may be detrimental to the execution of the said task.

  5. 5. Items related to safety management measures

    We take following measures to prevent leak, loss, and damage of personal information, as well as to appropriately manage personal data.

    Preparation of rules related to handling of personal data. Personal information handling rules, including the handling method, person responsible, person assigned, and nature of task, are prepared for every step, including acquisition, usage, storing, providing, deleting, and disposing.
    Organizational safety management measures Assign a person responsible for handling personal data (personal information manager).
    Clarify who are the workers handling personal data and the areas of personal data handled by the said workers.
    Prepare a structure to report and communicate to the personal information manager when a fact, or a sign, of violation of law or company rule was detected.
    Implement regular self-check of how personal information is handled, and the staff from other department or external personnel conduct inspections.
    Individual safety management measures Organize regular seminars on points of cautions when handing personal information for our staff.
    Include rules on the confidentiality of personal information in our work rules.
    Physical safety management measures Control the entry and exit of workers to and from the areas where personal information is handled, limit devices they can bring in, and implement measures to prevent viewing of personal information by unauthorized personnel.
    Implement measures to prevent theft and loss of devices, electronic medium, and documents that contain personal information.
    Implement measures to prevent personal information to be easily revealed when carrying devices and electronic medium containing personal information, including when carrying them within our office.
    Technical safety management measures Implement access control to limit the personnel working with personal information as well as the area of such information.
    Introduce mechanisms to protect the information system handling personal information from external unauthorized access and malware.
  6. 6. On consignment

    Our company may commission handling of personal information to a third party. In such a case, we perform necessary and appropriate supervision to the contractor following the Personal Information Protection Act and relevant guidelines.

  7. 7. Continuous improvement

    Our company will strive to continuously improve our handling of personal information.

  8. 8. Procedure for requesting disclosure or correction of personal information

    When there is a request for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or deletion of retained personal data in relation to the personal information from the said person or his/her representative, we will respond without delay except in the following cases. For such a request, please contact us at the department listed below.

    1. If accommodating the request can potentially harm the life, health, property, and other rights as well as profits of the person or a third party.

    2. If it can potentially cause serious disruption to the appropriate operation of our company.

    3. If it violates any law.

  9. 9. Inquiry contact

    To request disclosure, correction, suspension of use. or deletion of personal information, or for any questions and complaints related to these, please contact the following:
    Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation
    Compliance Department/Corporate Strategic Planning Department, General Affairs Division (privacy@jamss.co.jp)

    Revised on June 22nd, 2023
    Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation
    President Teru Aruga