Philosophy of JAMSS
Management Philosophy Corporate Philosophy
We commit ourselves to contributing to the prosperous future of humanity by promoting space development and utilization as a system integrator that links humanity with space.
Message Message from the President
Toward a New Era of Humans and Space.
JAMSS will continue our challenges.
We, Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation (JAMSS), have been involved in the operation of “Kibo(Japanese Experiment Module)” and “KOUNOTORI(HTV or H-II Transfer Vehicle)”, the training of astronauts and flight controllers, and the implementation of space experiments, thereby supporting the International Space Station (ISS) Program since our establishment in 1990. We have also achieved positive reviews on our safety, reliability and maintainability of systems which are used in the space.
Now, Space is shifting from a place only for national projects to a place where private companies are taking an active role. As the next stage, JAMSS as a system integrator in the new era, we will contribute to a sustainable society by bridging between Earth and Space using the manned space technologies which have been established on the ISS, such as explorations on Lunar and Mars or expanding space utilization.
Teru Aruga
Management policy Corporate Policy
- Maintain sound management and fulfill corporate responsibilities to the society, stock holders, and employees.
- Understand customer demands accurately and provide supreme technologies and services.
- Lay the foundations for the next-generation manned space project, while ensuring the smooth operation of the JEM (Kibo) and HTV (Kounotori).
- Promote the manned and unmanned space development and applications in line with Japan's space policy.
- Challenge new business opportunities applying the knowledge and experiences obtained through space business and activities.
Vision Vision
To accumulate the first-class technologies through our core business that is in synch with the tide of international space development.
Business expansion into industry
Business expansion into the civil society
Quality policy Quality policy
As an integrator linking humanity with space, we strive to contribute to the expansion of space activity and to the international society by providing high-quality products and services that satisfy requirements through continuous improvement of our quality management system
Code of conduct Code of conduct
Following our corporate philosophy, we, JAMSS, conduct our corporate activities guided by the following code in order to fulfill our obligation in contributing to the sustainable economic development of both Japan and the whole world as well as to solving social problems. Moreover, we will publish information necessary for these, take environment into consideration, and strive for assurance of safety and improvement of quality. Furthermore, we promote compliance management, and our top management will lead us in solving problems when they occur.
- We, JAMSS, will observe laws, contracts, and international rules and will act with a high ethical standard as a company that promotes space activities contributing to the human society.
- We, JAMSS, will widely publish information to the society, actively engage with solutions of social problems, and contribute to the development of the society as the leading company in manned space activities.
- We, JAMSS, will respect individuals and human rights, and strive to create a congenial working environment. Each one of us will engage with self-improvement and act with dignity.
Please use our inquiry form for any question.
Please feel free to contact us.
If you are in hurry, please contact us via phone:
Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation Marketing and Contract Department
Tel: +81-3-3211-2060
(Between 10AM and 5PM on weekdays)